Aaron has been making these rice balls for a while, and I finally got a chance to try them. He offered me some, and I picked them up without hesitation. My inner fat girl was jumping for joy and I cojuldnt wait to fry them up and have a taste.
I think I over fried them a little but Flo was taking to long to do it, and I couldn't wait anymore (thanks, mom *rolls eyes* haha). But that didn't stop them from being absolutely delicious. They tasted just like Joe's, possibly even better. The consistency was right, they had just enough crunch, and they were nice and creamy and didn't have to much pepper which I definitely appreciated.
Look at those beauties! Nice big chunks of prosciutto and they even have the same coloring that Joe's balls had. Ugh I can't tell you how grateful I was to have them. A very big thank you to Aaron for giving me back a piece of my childhood and reminding me what it's like to have a decent riceball. You wouldn't think it would be so hard to find decent balls in Brooklyn, but it really is. Although nothing could live up to those afternoons at Joe's and getting greasy rice balls from Leo, Aaron is the guy to go to! You can find him on Facebook!

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